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What is Neonatology?
Neonatology is a pediatric discipline that takes care of healthy and/ or sick newborns. This ward brings together pediatric and maternity care and neonatal medicine and intensive care. It is located on the second floor of La Rose Clinic and is made up of a neonatal unit (6 beds), a neonatal intensive care unit (4 beds) and pediatric rooms.
This ward welcomes premature or term newborns, with or without intrauterine growth restriction, who may suffer from respiratory distress, an infectious disease, neurological distress, a digestive disease, metabolic disorders or malformations. They are referred mainly by the maternity unit of La Rose Clinic (The in-borns), but also by other maternity units of private clinics or other neonatal services, through emergency medical transport services (The out-borns).
These two units are different in that they provide greater or lesser care depending on the prematurity of newborns or the severity of the pathology affecting them.
Admission to either of these two units is the only situation where the mother and child cannot be hospitalized together.
To get an idea of the available equipment in our Neonatal unit, submit your request and we will email you all the information you need !
Neonatalogy Unit
The neonatal intensive care unit
It also takes care of prenatal and postnatal surgical pathologies in premature and full-term newborns.
This unit allows the close monitoring of newborns, by providing immediate and appropriate care depending on the severity of their state of health.
Prominent reasons for admission to the clinic
To the neonatal intensive care unit: extreme prematurity, neonatal respiratory distress, hemodynamic failure, neonatal surgery, etc.
To the neonatology unit: maternal-fetal infections, jaundice, growth disorders, etc.
Curative technologies and therapies provided by this ward
4 ventilatory assistance devices: invasive ventilation (Babylog) through high-frequency oscillation (SLE, VN500), high-intensity non-invasive ventilation (InfantFlow,).
10 incubators: incubators (Caléo, Isis, CS2700), heating plates (Babytherm).
2 phototherapy devices: tunnel (O’bloo), double lamp (Ampliflux), single lamp (Phototherapy 4000, Monobloo) LEDs (Leedyblue).
Laminar flow
1 ultrasound machine.
1 mobile x-ray machine.
2 transport incubators (Nite, Transport-Inkubator 5400) equipped with ventilation equipment (Babypak).
If your baby is going to spend some time in our Neonatal Unit, this document is for you ! Click to download the NEONATALOGY welcome booklet.
The patient charter :
Dear Parents,
Your child is admitted to the neonatal ward for medical care or close monitoring. Newborn hospitalization is always a difficult event for the whole family. Our ward staff are at your disposal to help you better cope with this experience.
Neonatal unit : Charter for hospitalized children
Written in LEIDEN (the Netherlands) in 1988* « The right to the best care possible is a fundamental right, especially for children » – UNESCO
This charter summarizes and reaffirms the rights of hospitalized children.
Your child :
Our healthcare team takes your child at or very soon after birth. Our pediatricians and nurses are at your disposal to give you all the necessary explanations.
You can get information about your child’s condition 24 hours a day, by phone call.
We invite you to make use of this possibility especially when you need to be reassured about a potential concern. Please note that information about the child’s conditions is provided only for the parents.
Breastfeeding your newborn :
Your baby’s admission to the clinic should not undermine your breastfeeding plan.
If you have decided to breastfeed your child, we will be with you at the beginning of this important lactation period.
Besides breast pumps, a breastfeeding room is at your disposal.

Admission environment :
Your child can be placed in an incubator, on a heating plate or in a cradle.
Certain devices are needed to monitor the newborn’s state of health.
You can personalize your child’s environment, by bringing a few tiny objects such as a cloth with your scent, a cuddly toy, a music box, or a drawing.
When your baby is ready to be dressed, you can bring clothes that you have washed beforehand.
Here is the equipment that your new-born baby needs during the neonatal stay :
pajamas, bodysuits – a cap – socks – a sweater/ jacket – a sleeping bag – a blanket – a thermometer