Since ever, infertility has been a huge issue for couples who want to become parents. As many factors can generate this disease, Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP) solution can help identify its risk factors and provide the best technique to get away with it.
Let’s dive into details!
Infertility As A Disease
Infertility is a disease that deprives a couple of getting a baby after attempting more than one time of unprotected intercourse during a whole year.
Besides productive system dysfunction, age, unhealthy lifestyle (Tobacco use, Marijuana, alcohol…), overweight and underweight are risk factors for infertility.
Not only when they never had a baby, but also when they had a baby, a couple can still have infertility.
Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP)
As both sexes lack chances of having a baby, a medical assistant can be their way out.
Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP), is a technique that boosts couples’ chance to have a baby.
The process is to fertilize a woman’s eggs either inside her uterus or outside of it in a laboratory.

MAP Techniques
There are three techniques that a couple can go for:
– Intrauterine insemination (IUI):
– In vitro fertilisation (IVF):
– Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI):
After stimulating the ovarian, retrieving the eggs from the uterus and sperm from semen or testicle, the biologists analyse the sperm and select the most healthy one to inject it directly inside the egg.
A few days later, if the embryo (fertilized egg) is being developed in good conditions in the laboratory, it is transferred then into the woman’s uterus.
Fertility is not that huge issue anymore as Medically Assisted Procreation helped thousands of couples get babies.
Have you ever been through this technique? If yes, you can share with us your experience through the comment section below! If not, would you take the next step to get your first or next baby?